8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173: Mom met us on top of Katahdin!
8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173: And mom came with more food!
8/31 Day 173: find the large rock
8/31 Day 173: The Knife's Edge
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8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173: looking down at Chimney Pond
8/31 Day 173: The Knife's Edge
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8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173: Looking over at the Knife's Edge
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8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173: The crowd we traveled through the 100 mile wilderness around. (Minus Stanley Thermos). A Grandpa and his son Otto, doing the 100 mile wilderness and Katahdin section. Two section hikers finnishing up a 10 year hike of the AT. And Goose and I, finishing up our thru.
8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173: So we realized that the camera lense was full of condensation from being in the sun. So we aired it out while we ate and then took a few more summit pics that came out alot clearer.
8/31 Day 173: Celebrating at the top
8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173: Our first round of Katahdin Summit pics were obstructed by condensation in the camera lens. Did my best to clear them up without photoshop.
8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173: Thru-hike the AT... check!
8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173: Katahdin! We did it!
8/31 Day 173: almost there. can see the sign
8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173: Goose on the Tablelands
8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173: On the table lands. 1.6 miles left of the Appalachian Trail!
8/31 Day 173: Tablelands
8/31 Day 173: Tablelands
8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173: Up up up!
8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173: Climbing Katahdin!
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8/31 Day 173
8/31 Day 173: Goose fending off bad guys.
8/31 Day 173: Katahdin Stream Campground Ranger Station
8/31 Day 173: My kids day pack for the big K.
8/31 Day 173: Class 1 Day! Perfect!
8/30 Day 172: Big Niagra Falls
8/30 Day 172: Big Niagra Falls
8/30 Day 172: Big Niagra Falls
8/30 Day 172: Big Niagra Falls
8/30 Day 172: Big Niagra Falls
8/30 Day 172: Fording The lower fork of Nesowadnehunk Stream after the hurricane. This was not supposed to be a ford. There was a high water trail. We did not take it.
8/30 Day 172: Fording The lower fork of Nesowadnehunk Stream after the hurricane.
8/30 Day 172: Mt Katahdin viewed just north of Abol Bridge on AT.
8/30 Day 172: Mt Katahdin viewed just north of Abol Bridge on AT.
8/30 Day 172: Our silly hotel lobby that we stayed in for 2 nights before Katahdin waiting out the hurricane, and one night after.
8/29 Day 171: Signed the 2011 Thru-hiker's cealing panel at the AT Cafe in Millinocket, ME
8/29 Day 171: AT Cafe
8/28 Day 170: Hitching into our last town. Millinocket, ME
8/28 Day 170: Hurricane Irene changed many hiker's plans.
8/28 Day 170
8/28 Day 170
8/27 Day 169: Best sunset of the trip!
8/27 Day 169: Best sunset of the trip!
8/27 Day 169: Sunset over Rainbow Lake
8/27 Day 169: sunset
8/27 Day 169: Sunset
8/27 Day 169: Sunset
8/27 Day 169: Goose washing the pot for the last time
8/27 Day 169: The last real trail dinner. 5.5 months of angel hair spaghetti with dehydrated veggies, tomato powder, basil, and parm cheese. And I still love it!
8/27 Day 169: last dinner in 100 mile wilderness
8/27 Day 169: clouds over Rainbow lake
8/27 Day 169: Rainbow Lake from the picnic table
8/27 Day 169: Goose setting up camp while I cook dinner.
8/27 Day 169: Goose setting up the tent.
8/27 Day 169: These feet walked from GA to ME
8/27 Day 169: Rainbow Lake
8/27 Day 169: Our last stealth spot on Rainbow lake
8/27 Day 169: Rainbow Lake. The perfect spot for our last stealth camping night.
8/27 Day 169: Beach on unmarked side trail. Our final stealth spot.
8/27 Day 169: Lots of random boats in the woods for the "Millinocket Lake Flying Service"
8/27 Day 169: loon
8/27 Day 169: Stop at Rainbow Stream Lean-to. Only 5 miles till dinner. Hurricane Irene is coming tonight/tomorrow so want to get ourselves as close to Millinockett as possible.
8/27 Day 169: I love the woods!
8/27 Day 169: Bear
8/27 Day 169: Outlet Stream from Murphy Pond
8/27 Day 169: Pollywog Stream
8/27 Day 169: Goose at Pollywog Stream
8/27 Day 169: Baby watching us as we go by.
8/27 Day 169: Walking by moose mom and baby. Don't make mom mad!
8/27 Day 169: mom and baby.
8/27 Day 169: Mom and baby moose. From across Crescent Pond.
8/27 Day 169: Lunch #2 spot (aka a piece of cheese). Crescent Pond.
8/27 Day 169: There's the big K!
8/27 Day 169: The end is in sight :( Katahdin in the background. 16 mile line-of-site, 36.3 trail miles to go.
8/27 Day 169: Lake Nahmakanta viewed from Mt Nesuntabunt.
8/27 Day 169
8/27 Day 169: 3ed view of Katahdin. From Nesuntabunt Mtn. 16 mile line-of-site to katahdin. 36.3 trail miles left.
8/27 Day 169: Goose got a wooping zero skips with the "perfect" skipping rock he found.
8/27 Day 169: Crazy hiker
8/27 Day 169: I was severely low on food. All I had for lunch was a few pieces of cheese to last me the next few days. Stanley Thermos saved the day by finding this Honey Granola in a privy. Unfortunately it was disgustingly stale and I would have much rather eaten cardboard. But I ate it anyway.
8/27 Day 169: Swimming in Nahmakanta Lake.
8/27 Day 169: Nahmakanta Lake.
8/27 Day 169: Just eating her breakfast.
8/27 Day 169: Moose breakfast time.
8/27 Day 169: beetle
8/26 Day 168: Dinner time!
8/26 Day 168: Dinner spot by Nahmakanta Stream.
8/26 Day 168: Pemadumcook Lake
8/26 Day 168: Pemadumcook Lake
8/26 Day 168: Pemadumcook Lake
8/26 Day 168: View of Katahdin from Pemadumcook Lake. Our second view of K1. It got so much bigger!
8/26 Day 168: Lower Jo-Mary Lake
8/26 Day 168: AT on Sandy beach on Lower Jo-Mary Lake
8/26 Day 168: Lower Jo-Mary Lake
8/26 Day 168: Lower Jo-Mary Lake
8/26 Day 168: Mushrooms
8/26 Day 168: Our favorite fungus. Thick yellow grass.
8/26 Day 168: We sprinted to this cooler yelling "trail magic trail magic!!!" and all that was in it was a stuffed animal trying to get south. Still hungry...
8/26 Day 168
8/25 Day 167: half way through the 100 mile wilderness, the hard stuff is done, and now I find a rock Goose hid in my bag!
8/25 Day 167: And now we take pictures of rocks too. I liked this one. The geologist we were traveling with on and off told us that it was brought here from a glacier.
8/25 Day 167: Maine is the mushroom state.
8/25 Day 167: swolen arm from bee sting.
8/24 Day 166
8/24 Day 166: Beautiful red berries.
8/24 Day 166: Beautiful red berries.
8/24 Day 166: Bear line injury I believe? Goose pulled on the branch to test strength. Branch broke and came down and hit him in the face.
8/24 Day 166: view ME
8/24 Day 166: Cold Ninja
8/23 Day 165: View from Barren Mtn. After sunset. 1.5 mile to camp.
8/23 Day 165: Evening view from Barren Ledges. One of my favorite views of the trail.
8/23 Day 165: View from Barren Ledges.
8/23 Day 165: View from Barren Ledges. Maine!
8/23 Day 165: Ford Ford and more Ford.
8/23 Day 165: Lots of Fungus in ME
8/23 Day 165: The wierdest plants we found on the trail.
8/23 Day 165: The wierdest plants we found on the trail.